Alexa Reminder error problem



I’m using this piece of code :slight_smile: try {
console.log(“REMINDERS GET”);
const result = await this.$alexaSkill.$user.getAllReminders();
console.log("reminders = "+ result);
} catch(error) {
if (error.code === ‘NO_USER_PERMISSION’) {
this.tell(Please grant the permission to set reminders.);
} else {
console.error('ERROR = ’ +error);
console.error('Error.code = ’ + error.code);
// Do something

even if no permission from user side error.code will never be 'NO_USER_PERMISSION

here log :


2020-05-06T12:07:27.481Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 INFO REMINDERS GET

2020-05-06T12:07:27.481Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 INFO REMINDERS GET


2020-05-06T12:07:27.681Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 ERROR ERROR = Error: Something went wrong.

2020-05-06T12:07:27.681Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 ERROR ERROR = Error: Something went wrong.


2020-05-06T12:07:27.681Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 ERROR Error.code = ERROR

2020-05-06T12:07:27.681Z b220d3fb-d219-46a8-b5fa-60cc601ce699 ERROR Error.code = ERROR

And please: how I can ask to user (when if statement will work) to give permission?
There is something like

this.$alexaSkill.showAskForListPermissionCard([‘read’]) .tell(‘Please grant the permission to access your lists.’);

even for reminders?


Hey @Gianfranco_Maffei

Sorry for the late response. I looked into it and found a bug which is fixed now. Please run jovo update

You can use voice permissions to let Alexa ask the user for reminder permissions without going to the app.

this.ask('Would you like to be reminded?');
		const status = this.$alexaSkill.getPermissionStatus();
		if (this.$alexaSkill.hasPermissionAccepted()) {
			// do stuff
