Bixby Account Linking


How would we implement OAuth2 Auth Code Grant Account Linking in Bixby similar to Alexa or Google Assistant?

Once Account Linking occurs in the other platforms, then every request includes an access token that is accessible via let token = this.$request.getAccessToken();

The LaunchAction (and every other action) is set to a remote endpoint that maps to an Intent handler in the Jovo code. Do we need to setup each action for user authorization?

    action-endpoint (LaunchAction) {
      remote-endpoint ("{remote.url}") {
        method (POST)
      authorization {
    action-endpoint (HelpAction) {
      remote-endpoint ("{remote.url}?intent=HelpIntent") {
        method (POST)
      authorization {

And then define the authorization.bxb file in the root for user authentication:

authorization {
    user {
      oauth2-authorization-code ("Auth0") {
        authorize-endpoint ("")
        client-id ("QW...")
        client-secret-key ("abc...")
        scope ("openid offline_access profile email")
        token-endpoint ("")

Does anyone have this working for Bixby-Jovo?
Can I access the token for Bixby requests using: let token = this.$request.getAccessToken();?

For Bixby, do I need to specify: authentication scheme or domain list?

Hey @rubenaeg and @Kaan_Kilic can you cook up a tutorial?:
“How to set up Account Linking for Bixby with Auth0 and Jovo”

