Changing defaultTimezone in project.js




Please, can someone provide a complex example of the file project.js?

I need to change the defaultTimezone to Europe/Madrid.

I tryed this:

  alexaSkill: {

    nlu: {

      name: ‘alexa’,

      lang: {

        es: [




      defaultTimezone: ‘Europe/Madrid’



  googleAction: {

    nlu: {

      name: ‘dialogflow’,

      lang: {

        es: [




      agent: {

        defaultTimezone: ‘Europe/Madrid’




  endpoint: ‘${JOVO_WEBHOOK_URL}’,

But the agent.json generated in platforms folder has still the timezone America/New_York

I also wonder where can I find the full list of possible values for project.js and some examples.

Thank you.


I was able to solve it by mixing several examples that I have found in different documentation. Still, I wonder if someone would be kind enough to show me a complex ‘project.js’ example, or some link where I can query the different fields of the json.