CLI: GoogleConversationalAction model localisation build does not work


Hi There,

I have cloned the sample repository (google-conversational-actions-helloworld) and added two sample models:


module.exports = {
  invocation: "my test app",
  intents: [
      name: "HelloWorldIntent",
      phrases: ["hello", "say hello", "say hello world"],
      name: "MyNameIsIntent",
      phrases: [
        "my name is {name}",
        "i am {name}",
        "you can call me {name}",
      inputs: [{ name: "name", type: "LIST_OF_STATIONS" }],

  googleAssistant: {
    custom: {
      types: {
          synonym: {
            entities: {
              2: {
                synonyms: ["radio sun", "sunny radio"],

and de-DE.js

    module.exports = {
  invocation: "my test app",
  intents: [
      name: "HelloWorldIntent",
      phrases: ["hello", "say hello", "say hello world"],
      name: "MyNameIsIntent",
      phrases: [
        "my name is {name}",
        "i am {name}",
        "you can call me {name}",
      inputs: [{ name: "name", type: "LIST_OF_STATIONS" }],

  googleAssistant: {
    custom: {
      types: {
          synonym: {
            entities: {
              1: {
                synonyms: ["HIT RADIO FFH", "hit radio f. f. h."],

jovo build --clean -p googleAction does not deploy my custom types to the /platforms folder.

Any help here @rubenaeg ?



might be a duplicate / related to Google Actions Platform Specific Intents not copied to every locale.


Hi @dominik-meissner,

I didn’t work with Google Conversational Actions for a while now and can’t test it as I’m out sick today, but have you tried the format provided by the docs here?


sorry - you are right in my sample i mixed alexa style with google. I have adjusted my original post to be on point. The result is the same (as in my original project).


What is generated here? Is the folder just empty?



Missing the de-DE version and i guess the en-US Folder as well.


Just a quick update here, the issue occurs because you define the type in the googleAssistant property of the language model, which our model parser doesn’t take into account being locale-specific. This should be also true for intents. I’m currently testing a solution for this, so you should expect an update soon.


@rubenaeg @jan is there an update for this issue? I still have problems deploying parts in the “googleAssistant” for non sub locales. The default locale is working.
One more question: Is this still an issue with v4cli?