Custom output response



Is there a way to return custom output as a response, for example, a JSON? In my case, I need to render the Map component in the Jovo Web platform chatbot (using

I tried to return a custom JSON but seems like it is ignored when generating the response.

  type: 'map',
  location: 'Hyderabad'

Below is the Jovo Debugger RIDR log:



You can find an example here:

return this.$send({
      message: 'Great! Opening now...',
      listen: false,
      platforms: {
        web: {
          // custom property used for this example
          redirectTo: '',


Excellent. However the properties I added in ‘web’ are not seen in Jovo Debugger as expected. To see those in Jovo Debugger, I’m sending those using ‘core’ platform key. Thanks for the suggestion.