Deploy Alexa Skill with Jovo CLI



Hi everybody and @jan,
I’m trying to deploy my jovo code to my Amazon Skill, but after I do jovo deploy --platform alexaSkill it return me this error:

jovo deploy: Deploys the project to the voice platform.
   >> Learn more:

  ❯ Deploying Alexa Skill (stage: test)
    ↓ Updating Alexa Skill project for ASK profile ******** [skipped]
      → Endpoint:***********
    ❯ Deploying Interaction Model, waiting for build
      ✖ it-IT
      Enabling skill for testing
 ›   Error: There was a problem:
 ›   [ERR] smapiUpdateInteractionModel:Server cannot process the request due to a client error e.g. the input interaction model is invalid.
 ›   Module:   jovo-cli-platform-alexa

What can I do to resolve this problem?


Seems like your interaction model is wrong.

You could try debugging it by doing this:

  • Run jovo build in your command line
  • Go to your skill in the Alexa Developer Console
  • In the Interaction Model section, go to JSON Editor
  • Upload the language model JSON from the platforms/alexaSkill/... folder

Possibly, this is going to have a more specific error message.


Right now to deploy my skill, after running the ‘jovo build’ command, I enter the json I get in the ‘platform / alexaSkill /…/ it-IT.json’ folder in the Amazon console.
in this way I update my skill, but I would like to be able to update it via the terminal.


OK, so the manual update works?

Which version of ASK-CLI are you using?


I’m using 2.22.4


Hey @Simone_Leo,

could you provide your Language Model so I can reproduce the issue?


Hi @rubenaeg!
This is my it-IT.json model:

    "invocation": "chatbot test",
    "intents": [
        "name": "ActionsListIntent",
        "phrases": [
            "che cosa posso fare",
            "non so cosa posso fare",
            "cosa mi consigli",
            "non lo so",
            "che attività posso fare"
          "name": "RoutingIntent",
          "phrases": [
          "inputs": [
                "name": "action",
                "type": "actionTypes"
          "name": "GoalsRouting",
          "phrases": [
          "inputs": [
                "name": "goal",
                "type": "goalTypes"
          "name": "GoalsListIntent",
          "phrases": [
              "quali sono le tipologie disponibili",
              "dammi l'elenco delle tipologie",
              "quali sono le tipologie"
    "inputTypes": [
            "name": "actionTypes",
            "values": [
                    "value": "rispondere al questionario",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "il questionario",
                        "fare il questionario"
                    "value": "fare dei quiz",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "il quiz"
                    "value": "registrare dei valori",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "salvare dei valori",
                        "registrare valori"
            "name": "goalTypes",
            "values": [
                    "value": "device",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "uso device",
                        "uso dispositivo elettronico"
                    "value": "sonno",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "ore di sonno"
                    "value": "attività sportiva",
                    "synonyms": [
                        "ore di attività sportiva",
                        "praticato sport"
                    "value": "alimentazione",
                    "synonyms": [
    "alexa": {
      "interactionModel": {
        "languageModel": {
          "intents": [
              "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent",
              "samples": []
              "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
              "samples": []
              "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent",
              "samples": []


Hey @Simone_Leo,

I was just testing this and the deployment is going through just fine on my end, I can’t reproduce your bug with the language model you provided. What version of the Jovo CLI are you using?