[Docs] DynamoDB Database Integration


Learn how to store user specific data of your Alexa Skills and Google Actions to AWS DynamoDB.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.jovo.tech/docs/databases/dynamodb


Followed the steps and this is how my app.js looks like :

'use strict';

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

const { App } = require('jovo-framework');
const { Alexa } = require('jovo-platform-alexa');
const { GoogleAssistant } = require('jovo-platform-googleassistant');
const { JovoDebugger } = require('jovo-plugin-debugger');
// const { FileDb } = require('jovo-db-filedb');
const { DynamoDb } = require('jovo-db-dynamodb');

const app = new App();

    new Alexa(),
    new GoogleAssistant(),
    new JovoDebugger(),
    // new FileDb(),
    new DynamoDb(),

and my config.js looks like this :

// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ------------------------------------------------------------------

module.exports = {
    logging: true,
    intentMap: {
       'AMAZON.StopIntent': 'END',
       'CancelIntent': 'END',
       'AMAZON.YesIntent': 'YesIntent',
       'AMAZON.NoIntent': 'NoIntent',
       'AMAZON.HelpIntent': 'HelpIntent',
       'AMAZON.RepeatIntent': 'RepeatIntent'

    user: {
        context: {
            enabled: true,
            prev: {
                size: 2,
                request: {
                    intent: true,
                    state: true,
                    inputs: true,
                    timestamp: false,
                response: {
                    speech: true,
                    reprompt: true,
                    state: true,
                    output: true,
    db: {
        // FileDb: {
        //     pathToFile: '../db/db.json',
        // }
        DynamoDb: {
            tableName: 'User_Session',

    intentsToSkipUnhandled: [

I have hosted my skill on AWS and when I try to invoke it on either platform, it does not work at all.


anyone facing similar issue or can help me identify the issue?


Does your Lambda role have access to DynamoDb?

Learn more here:


Yes. But there were other unrelated issues. Solved, thanks anyway.


Question. Can I use DynamoDB to store data for Google Actions ?