Failed to parse Dialogflow response



I have not worked on my bot in a while, and when i started with a test this morning it suddenly gave the following error:

Failed to parse Dialogflow response into AppResponse because of invalid platform response: Could not find a RichResponse or SystemIntent in the platform response for agentId: [AgentId] and intentId: [IntentId].

Does anyone recognize this? As far as I know, no changes have been made since last time, when it was still working.


Did you find any solution, even i am having same issue.


@akshayru @Donna did you get anywhere with this? I’m having a couple of issues like this. At the moment my idea is that ist something to do with async /await and promise not getting returning causing a timeout.


Hi, sorry for the late reply. I solved it right after posting this, so i dont remember exactly what the solution was, but it had something to do with me trying to create cards with insufficient data.

I had stored several keys, with which I was trying to get the data to create the cards. But some of the keys had been removed from the database so didn’t have any data, however I was still trying to create cards.

If I remember correctly, the data for the image, description and title were all missing, but i mightve still created a card with the key.

Hope this vague answer still helps :sweat_smile::blush:


thanks for your reply. That sounds plausible. I shall investigate along this route.:slightly_smiling_face:


I had this issue creating a HelpIntent.

I’ve solved it by mappping BOTH intent names on config.js. like this:
‘HelpIntent’: ‘HelpIntent’,
‘AMAZON.HelpIntent’: ‘HelpIntent’,

With this, helpIntent does not crash google assistant.