Google Transactions - Which Locales have Purchasing?



Hey All,

Which countries have Digital Transactions for Actions on Google?

We received this feedback from Google from our latest submission:

Your Action has a policy violation.
Thank you for submitting your Assistant action for review. Unfortunately, your action has been denied for the following reason listed below:
1.) Your Action violates our Transactions policies. Your Action enables users to complete a transaction (physical goods or services and / or digital goods or subscription purchases) but it can only perform these kinds of transactions in certain countries. Unfortunately, one of the enabled region (Pakistan) of your Action does not support transactions.
Please be informed that transactions are only supported in some specific regions.
For reference:

Link #1: here
Link #2: here

However, the links Google sent are irrelevant to finding locale-specific transaction info.

Which countries have access to Google Transactions?


Take a look at the official Google documentation: