How can I define multiple slots in en-US.json


In my skill, I have an intent which takes two inputs, an ID and newpage. I want Alexa to ask user to fill out the slots one after another. I didn’t find an example with JOVO. How should I write it in my en-US.json?

I am referring to my another skill which I created directly from Alexa web interface. The JSON (in skill’s native JSON editor) looks like this:

"name": "ParticularsIntent",
   "slots": [
           "name": "firstName",
           "type": "AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME",
           "samples": [
                "My first name is {firstName}",
                "First name is {firstName}",
            "name": "lastName",
            "type": "LAST_NAME",
            "samples": [
                 "My last name is {lastName}",
                 "Last name is {lastName}",

I believe in JOVO I have to write the interaction model so that after building it transform something similar to above. But I don’t find any example with JOVO.

Please suggest!


Go to your skill, deploy to alexa,create directly from Alexa interface this part and then use jovo get, this command will replace your model and will generate the model that you are looking for.


Thank you! Actually I haven’t deployed this skill to Alexa yet and the application is already of a considerable size. I was testing locally till now using jovo debugger and this is the first time I tried to build for deployment. :frowning:

Do I need to create the entire skill again from the scratch on Alexa web interface? Could be a good amount of task! May I please request you to help me with some kind of documentation?


I will suggest you to build your app without “ParticularsIntent”. To deploy see this link . then create manually “ParticularsIntent” from alexa web interface and use jovo get to replace your model and to generate “ParticularsIntent”. documentation here->


OK. Actually 90% of my intents are like this! :slight_smile: But there is no alternative option probably to avoid this!


@florijan.allaraj sorry to mention my other question here which I posted recently. I am having trouble in building the model. Would you mind helping me with the following please?

Thank you!


ok, my other suggestion is:
create new jovo project: example hello world jovo new --template helloworld
,build and deploy, then go to alexa interface and create desired intent and use jovo get to overwrite your model. use this model format for your current skill. [Docs] jovo get


Ok. But wondering why there is no JOVO documentation for these!