How to check if an intent is triggered?


Hi, is there a way in Jovo to check if an intent is triggered?


It might not seem elegant, but a lot of people just do simple console.log statements to trace the path when developing the app


My problem: if i have these intents and user say a phrase which trigger TypeOfSpotIntent, i I do not want to allow this if CreateSpotIntent is not triggered.

   CreateSpotIntent() {

   TypeOfSpotIntent() {



If I am understanding correctly, perhaps utilizing a session variable here would be good. Something like:

  CreateSpotIntent() {
    this.$session.$data.spotCreated = true;

    // do things and stuff
  TypeOfSpotIntent() {
    if (this.$session.$data.spotCreated) {
      // allowed
    } else {
      // not allowed


I like @natrixx solution =).
@florijan.allaraj: Depending on your use case “states” are another nice possibility

CreateSpotIntent() {
       .ask('Spot Created. What do you want to do next?'); //has to be triggered after setting state

   STATE.SpotCreated    {
        TypeOfSpotIntent() {

The TypeOfSpot Intent can’t be reached until the CreateSpotIntent sets the state accordingly. By using states you have possibilities like creating context sensitive help or unhandled intents like bellow:

CreateSpotIntent() {
       .ask('Spot Created. What do you want to do next?'); //has to be triggered after setting state

   STATE.SpotCreated    {
        TypeOfSpotIntent() {

       Unhandled( )   {  //unhandled in state
            this.ask('Spot is set correctly but I did not understand your request. Could you repeat it?');
  Unhandled( )  { //global unhandled
       this.ask('Spot is not created yet. Please do so to continue');

I also like having my Intents seperated by states (with one file per state). You can use them via require in your app.js and later use them:

const STATE.SpotCreatedIntents = require('./states/spotCreated.js'); //at top of app.js

CreateSpotIntent() {
       .ask('Spot Created. What do you want to do next?'); //has to be triggered after setting state

STATE.SpotCreated: STATE.SpotCreatedIntents,