How to get Device ID/User email address in Alexa/Google


Hi is there a way to get user email address or device id or something like that in jovo for both alexa/google. Actually I have my users stored in my database and want to identify them using their email address or even their specific echo/home device in order to use their other information.
For example once I have identified them, by making api calls I can greet them their name and use other information registered with me.


For UserID:

For email, you must request permission from the user:

After you’ve done this, incoming requests that start a session will have an access key, where you can call Amazon’s API to get customer profile details. The entire flow is detailed pretty well in the link above


Thank you for this. Going through the document now.


This is for Amazon, can anything like this be done for google without account linking


Account Linking is the recommended way for things like this


Yes I am going for it. Thanks