How to request user to fill a slot or parameter from Google Assistance



Hello Jovo Team,

I am trying to acheive conversation model in Alexa and Google Assistance. So invoking an intent using elicitSlot method. which is working fine for alexa. But Google Action throws TypeError: Cannot read property 'elicitSlot' of undefined.

Below is the code i have used,

    if (jovo.isAlexaSkill()) {
            jovo.$alexaSkill.$dialog.elicitSlot('item', 'You have more than one item on your profile, ' + vehicles.join() + '. can you tell me which item?');
        } else {
            jovo.$googleAction.$dialog.elicitSlot('item', 'You have more than one item on your profile, ' + vehicles.join() + '. can you tell me which item?');

Please let me know how to request user to fill a slot or parameter from Google Assistance using Jovo.


The Dialog Interface is an Alexa-specific feature.

For Dialogflow, you can find an example for slot-filling here: