Is it possible to have speech output on a SessionEndedRequest?


Does anyone know if there is a way to build a jovo SpeechBuilder object and hear it on Alexa when the user says “Quit”? I can see that the END() method is being triggered, but I never hear audio output. If I say “Stop” then the StopIntent() routes to END() and I hear a message. However, “Quit” results in a SessionEndedRequest which also routes to END() but without any speech.

“Stop” => StopIntent() => END() => output message heard on Alexa
“Quit” => SessionEndedRequest => END() => no message heard on Alexa

I have a skill that is learning quiz and I give the user their score when they exit.

User response is being cutoff and throwing an Unexpected Error. How to get the error message that happened

Yes, it’s not possbile to add an output after a SessionEndedRequest

More info:


@AlexSwe, thanks for the quick response. I was hoping that someone had discovered a backdoor or hack to get around this, but I figured that this is just the way it is. Oh well, I’ll just have to ensure that my documentation and/or the HelpIntent() within the skill encourages the user to make it a habit to exit via “Stop” if they’d like to finish early. Thanks again.