Is this possible to send a sample utterance to the skill dynamically


Wondering if there is a way to send a sample utterance from the code to the skill when routing to INTENT-B from INTENT-A so that the skill is able to find the desired intent (INTENT-B) immediately without waiting for the user to say the utterance and proceeds with user inputs for the available slots in this intent (INTENT-B).

INTENT-A: LinkAccountIntent
INTENT-B: ValidatorIntent

Here is a use case:

LAUNCH( return this.toIntent("LinkAccountIntent") );

LinkAccountIntent() {
   if ( account is linked ) {
          // additional validation
          return this.toIntent("ValidatorIntent"); ###
   } else {
         // do something else.

// Sample utterance: "validate my account please"
// Number of slots: 02
ValidatorIntent() {
    if( both the slots are filled ) {
        // do something
    } else {
        // do something else

###: Question
Is this possible to somehow send the utterance “validate my account please” dynamically with return this.toIntent("ValidatorIntent"); directly to the skill and let it find the right intent tied with this utterance and start asking the user for supplying the slot values immediately?

Subrata Sarkar


I’m not sure if I understand it correctly, but what you could do, is for example work with session data this.$session.$data.slot1 and this.$session.$data.slot2 and fill them if the slots are available. And if not, ask the user.


The slot values are associated with an intent. They are supposed to be filled in by the user when alexa asks those. What I want is to call the Intent by passing the sample utterance somehow dynamically from the skill function.

If I can invoke that intent dynamically in the above way without involving the user, ideally it would start asking the user to fill in the slot values. Am I right?

Please let me know if I could explain what I am trying to accomplish.