Jovo platform web - input


Hi everybody!

I have a problem. I am trying to create a chatbot, integrated in an ionic app, but I have a big problem:
jovo doesn’t recognize correctly my inputs in phrases, so it return me a error.

How can I resolve this problem?



Hi @Simone_Leo, welcome to the Jovo community :tada:

Could you elaborate a bit more where you’re running into problems? Could you share relevant request JSONs and error messages?


Hi @jan,
Yes, now I try to explain better.
In my app.js I have:

const webPlatform = new WebPlatform();

webPlatform.use(new NlpjsNlu({ 
  languages: ['it'],

  new JovoDebugger(),
  new FileDb()

So, in this project I have a web platform, made in Ionic.

My question is: since I don’t use Alexa or Dialogflow, when creating an intent, what kind of inputs should I assign to it? How do I create an intent with variables?
“name”: “TestIntent”,
“phrases”: [
“I have {number} apple”
“inputs”: [
“name”: “number”,
“type”: // what’s the correct type?

Moreover, jovo confuses intents, if I use a word that is contained in two different sentences of two different intents, it doesn’t know which intent I’m referring to.


@jan The error that I have is this:

Error -----------------------------------------------------------------


Could not find the route “StartState.GetHoursIntent” in your handler function.

Error: Could not find the route “StartState.GetHoursIntent” in your handler function.
at Function.applyHandle (/Users/simoneleo/Development/jovo/vcare-chatbot-jovo/node_modules/jovo-core/src/plugins/Handler.ts:165:15)
at handle (/Users/simoneleo/Development/jovo/vcare-chatbot-jovo/node_modules/jovo-core/src/plugins/Handler.ts:241:19)


Request details:
this.$webApp initialized
this.$type: {“type”:“INTENT”}
this.$session.$data : {“JOVO_STATE”:“StartState”,“phrase”:“Quante ore hai dormito nella notte precedente?”}
this.$nlu : {“intent”:{“name”:“GetHoursIntent”},“NlpjsNlu”:{“locale”:“it”,“utterance”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”,“languageGuessed”:false,“localeIso2”:“it”,“language”:“Italian”,“nluAnswer”:{“classifications”:[{“intent”:“GetHoursIntent”,“score”:1},{“intent”:“YesIntent”,“score”:0},{“intent”:“RoutingIntent”,“score”:0},{“intent”:“NoIntent”,“score”:0}]},“classifications”:[{“intent”:“GetHoursIntent”,“score”:1},{“intent”:“YesIntent”,“score”:0},{“intent”:“RoutingIntent”,“score”:0},{“intent”:“NoIntent”,“score”:0}],“intent”:“GetHoursIntent”,“score”:1,“domain”:“default”,“sourceEntities”:[],“entities”:[{“start”:0,“end”:25,“len”:26,“levenshtein”:0,“accuracy”:1,“entity”:“state”,“type”:“enum”,“option”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”,“sourceText”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”,“utteranceText”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”}],“answers”:[],“actions”:[],“sentiment”:{“score”:0,“numWords”:0,“numHits”:0,“average”:0,“locale”:“it”,“vote”:“neutral”}}}
this.$inputs : {“state”:{“key”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”,“name”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”,“value”:“Dire quante ore ho dormito”}}


Seems like you don’t have StartState.GetHoursIntent in your app.js, could you take a look there?


Here’s a workaround for numbers using Nlp.js:


If I need other types of variables, different of number, what I need to do?


Add them as input type:


Sorry @jan, I didn’t understand a thing. I do the the workaround how the example

const nlpjsNlu = new NlpjsNlu({
  setupModelCallback: async (handleRequest, nlp) => {
    // force entity extraction
    nlp.forceNER = true;
    // register module for entity extraction
    nlp.container.use(BuiltinDefault, 'extract-builtin');
    // register module for English
    // add corpus via path to the models directory
    // you might change it to pass an absolute path

But in the models file, how can I do the intent?

      "name": "GetHoursIntent",
      "phrases": [
        "I slept {hours} hours"
      "inputs": [
          "name": "hours",
          "type": {
            // what is the correct type?


also, with the workaround I get this error:

  Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './models/it-IT.json'
  Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir './models/it-IT.json'


With this workaround it doesn’t find the intent

Error -----------------------------------------------------------------
  Could not find the route "StartState.None" in your handler function.
  Error: Could not find the route "StartState.None" in your handler function.
      at Function.applyHandle (/Users/simoneleo/Development/jovo/vcare-chatbot-jovo/node_modules/jovo-core/src/plugins/Handler.ts:165:15)
      at handle (/Users/simoneleo/Development/jovo/vcare-chatbot-jovo/node_modules/jovo-core/src/plugins/Handler.ts:241:19)
  Request details:
  this.$webApp initialized
  this.$type: {"type":"INTENT"}
  this.$session.$data : {"_JOVO_STATE_":"StartState"}
  this.$nlu : {"intent":{"name":"None"},"NlpjsNlu":{"locale":"it","utterance":"Dire quante ore ho dormito","languageGuessed":false,"localeIso2":"it","language":"Italian","classifications":[],"intent":"None","score":1,"entities":[],"answers":[],"actions":[],"sentiment":{"score":0,"numWords":5,"numHits":0,"average":0,"type":"pattern","locale":"it","vote":"neutral"}}}
  this.$inputs : {}
   "version": "3.4.0",
   "actions": [
         "plain": "error!",
         "ssml": "<speak>error!</speak>",
         "type": "SPEECH"
   "reprompts": [],
   "user": {
      "data": {}
   "session": {
      "data": {},
      "end": true
   "context": {
      "request": {
         "nlu": {
            "intent": {
               "name": "None"


I think in this example, it would be

"type": { "nlpjs": "number" } 

And for the next one:

It apparently triggered the None intent, which means NLPjs couldn’t find a match for your input. You can make sure the app doesn’t throw an error then by adding None (or UNHANDLED) to your handler


For the workaround, did you follow all the necessary steps and adjust for your example?

e.g. the language package @nlpjs/lang-en needs to be replaced with @nlpjs/lang-it for you


Thank you @jan
Last thing, in the workaround’s example, at last it does


The ‘./models’ is the path of the models file? In my case it-IT.json?
Can you send me an example of this specific models file please?


Have you tried it with a few things, like ./models/it-IT?


Yes, but I have an error in console like “path not find”


Is your model in ./models/it-IT relatively from the src folder? Might be possible that you need to adjust the path. I think the code example assumes that the language model is in src/models/it-IT


My models file is out the src folder. So should I add it to the src folder?



Yes, you could do that


Thank you @jan