Make a Forum with Kommunicate



Hi @jan,
I am looking to integrate a jovo v3 app with DialogFlow and want to integrate Kommunicate into my DialogFlow project.
I added a carousel and some other features, but I can’t add a module.
This is how I add a carousel:

this.$dialogflowAgent.setCustomPayload('google', {
        expectUserResponse: true,
        richResponse: {
          items: [
              carouselBrowse: {
                items: [
                    title: this.t('professionalStudyOutput.finances'),
                    openUrlAction: {
                      url: '...',
                    image: {
                      url: '...'
                    description: this.t('global.clickLink', {object: this.t('professionalStudyOutput.finances')}),

Is it possible to add a form in my Jovo code and show it on Kommunicate?