Model of config.js?



I’m struggling with adding the additional DialogFlow specific parameters to InputTypes - like “IsOverridable”, “isEnum”, & “automatedExpansion”.

Do I just sit those parameters in the models/en-US.json file? If so, can anyone point me to an example? Do I need to use the config.js file to add those & if so what would that look like?

Does anyone have an example of a really robust models/en-US.json file that has plenty of ialogFlow and Alexa-specific parameters? I’d like to see it if possible. I’m getting stuck in this area.


Hey @nickmortensen! Welcome to the Jovo Community!

Here’s an example for your models/en-US.json:

	"intents": [
			"name": "CityIntent",
			"phrases": [
				"I live in {city}",
			"inputs": [
						"name": "city",
						"type": "myCityInputType"
	"inputTypes": [
			"name": "myCityInputType",
			"dialogflow": {
				"automatedExpansion": true
			"values": [
					"value": "Berlin"
					"value": "New York",
					"synonyms": [
						"New York City"


Thank you. That’s perfect.

closed #4