NoIntent return nothing



I wish to test index value, and dont get why receive undefined …

describe('no intent must suggest change category', function () {

  it('should return 0', async () => {
    let initTest = {
      'events': events,
      'index': 0
    const ni = await testSuite.requestBuilder.intent('NoIntent');
    const r = await conversation.send(ni);



and receive

expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

Expected: 0
Received: undefined

I try to send confirmationStatus without success

  it('return object from call', async () => {
    let initTest = {
      'events': null,
      'index': 0,
    const request = await testSuite.requestBuilder.intent('NoIntent', {
      'confirmationStatus': 'CONFIRMED'
    const response = await conversation.send(request);


Could you provide the request and response json?



 AlexaResponse {
        version: '1.0',
        response: { shouldEndSession: true },
        sessionAttributes: {}

Request :

 AlexaRequest {
        version: '1.0',
        session: {
          new: false,
          sessionId: 'amzn1.echo-api.session.0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000',
          application: {
            applicationId: ''
          attributes: { events: null, index: 0, confirmationStatus: 'CONFIRMED' },
          user: { userId: 'amzn1.account.AM3B00000000000000000000000' }
        context: {
          System: { application: [Object], user: [Object], device: [Object] },
          AudioPlayer: { offsetInMilliseconds: 0, playerActivity: 'IDLE' }
        request: {
          type: 'IntentRequest',
          requestId: 'amzn1.echo-api.request.0000000-0000-0000-0000-00000000000',
          timestamp: '2020-08-30T17:08:53.455Z',
          dialogState: 'COMPLETED',
          locale: 'en-US',
          intent: { name: 'NoIntent', confirmationStatus: 'NONE', slots: {} }


I find, but have issue with session limit

  it('return from call', async () => {
    const request = await testSuite.requestBuilder.intent('NoIntent');
    const response = await conversation.send(request);

for test, i send session attribute, but it have issue with limit of session.

how to send data from test without reach limit of session ?


What do you mean by session limit?


this 24kb

I fetch API result and insert all events in session for test.
When I use in live server, session is full from data.


I would store this kind of data in the database. (this.$user.$data)


but how to send this when, make a unit test ?
i think request builder not have function to send data when instantiate conversation.

issue is not create the this.$use.$data but how to mock or send this data

// set value to db before the request
conversation.$user.$data.varABC = 'foobar';
const intentRequest = await testSuite.requestBuilder.intent('IntentA');
// check value after request
// delete db file for this test
await conversation.clearDb();