Possible issue with platform specific responses


In setting up my CMS integration I am trying to use this feature:

My config.js:

cms: {
    GoogleSheetsCMS: {
      spreadsheetId:  'superSecretId',
      access: 'private',
      credentialsFile: 'key.json',
      sheets: [
            name: 'globalVariables',
            type: 'KeyValue',
          name: 'imageLinks',
          type: 'Responses',
          name: 'ReferralIntent',
          type: 'Responses'
          name: 'closingMessages',
          type: 'Responses'
          name: 'helpIntent',
          type: 'ObjectArray',
          range: 'A:G'
      caching: false

With this setup, I only seem to get Alexa specific values from the closingMessages sheet, and the Alexa specific values from ReferralIntent are ignore, I only get the main en-US entry. However, if I remove the Alexa specific messages from closingMessages, the the app will use the ones from the ReferralIntent.

Further, if I swap the order of the sheets, the exact same thing happens in the reverese:

cms: {
    GoogleSheetsCMS: {
      spreadsheetId:  'superSecretId',
      access: 'private',
      credentialsFile: 'key.json',
      sheets: [
            name: 'globalVariables',
            type: 'KeyValue',
          name: 'imageLinks',
          type: 'Responses',
          name: 'closingMessages',
          type: 'Responses'
          name: 'ReferralIntent',
          type: 'Responses'
          name: 'helpIntent',
          type: 'ObjectArray',
          range: 'A:G'
      caching: false

This seems like a bit of a bug to me, but wanted to A) make the first attempt at explaining it and B) make sure I am not crazy or missing something :smiley:


and this also happens with google.


Hey @natrixx, investigating this right now, thanks for reporting!


Thanks abunch @rubenaeg!


Hey @natrixx, we just published a fix for this issue, please update with jovo update and you should be good to go :slight_smile:


Sounds great! I am now officially on vacation and will check this out when I get back on the 17th! :slight_smile:


Enjoy your vacation @natrixx :sunny: We’re gonna miss you on here!


@rubenaeg @jan - I’m back! :smiley: Got updated this morning and was able to test this fix and all seems well!
