Saving Session Data


The docs intimate that one can store data which will subsist over the course of a session.

this.$session.$data.key = value;

I need to store three variables. I thought ‘key’ was a placeholder for any variable name, but It appears that this is not the case. How would I use this feature to make three inputs subsist for a session? Is this the right feature to use?


Yes, this should work with the key placeholder. Do you see session attributes within the next request data? Can you output the logs from your local server?


const schema = {
date: new IsRequiredValidator(),
time: new IsRequiredValidator(),
duration: new IsRequiredValidator()

    const validation = this.validate(schema);

if (this.$session.$data.time == undefined)
if (validation.failed(‘time’))
return this.ask(“Please tell me when you want to reserve the room?”);
console.log(’\n’ +’\n’ +’\n’ + ‘Made It Before’ +’\n’ +’\n’ +’\n’);
this.$session.$data.time = this.$input.time.value;
console.log(’\n’ +’\n’ +’\n’ + ‘Made It After’ +’\n’ +’\n’ +’\n’);

When input is given, I save it to a session variable. The user is then re-prompted. The same intent is triggered, but the input the user has already given remains as it is part of the session. Eventually, the user has given all the input I need and, it has all been stored in session variables… Or at least, that is supposed to be how it works.

Instead, on this line:

            this.$session.$data.time = this.$input.time.value; 

I get a “Cannot read property ‘time’ of undefined” error message. This makes sense because the session variable ‘time’ is undefined. However, i do not know how to define ‘time’. I apologize if this is a dumb question, I am still figuring out JS.

Thanks in advance.


To answer your question, it does not let me get to a new request. It throws the error as soon as I try to store the input into a session variable.


Figured it out. It was not the session data that was the issue. I was doing


instead of


lol. Sorry for the bother!


Great, thanks for clarifying! Closing this now

closed #7