[Tutorial] Debugging Jovo Voice Apps in Visual Studio Code


Learn how to use VS Code to debug your Alexa Skills and Google Actions built with Jovo.

Debugging your voice application can be quite tedious at times. Using a debugger can make a big difference in your development process and is pretty easy to set up. You will learn how in this short guide.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.jovo.tech/tutorials/visual-studio-code-debugging


Seems that this tutorial is no longer valid with the new Jovo V2.
Can anyone tell me the new config for the Visual Studio Code?

Would be nice to combine the jovo-debugger and the visual studio code debugger!

Kind Regards


found it:

“version”: “0.2.0”,
“configurations”: [
“type”: “node”,
“request”: “launch”,
“name”: “Launch my jovo”,
“program”: “${env:APPDATA}/npm/node_modules/jovo-cli/dist/index”,
“args”: [
“autoAttachChildProcesses”: true


thanks for sharing! we need to update this tutorial


I added some endpoint and started debugging and then open another terminal and ran "jovo start "
When I send the invocations none of my breakpoints worked?
I am using Jovo 3 and Visual Studo code ?


In Jovo 2, you could start a debug/inspect session with: jovo run --inspect
In Jovo 3, you need to pass a port to inspect: jovo run --inspect 3003

The default port is 3000 unless you set JOVO_PORT or pass the -p 3001 flag.

@AlexSwe @jan Does the inspect port need to be different than the Jovo port?
What are each of these ports for?
Maybe a quick diagram would help.