Unhandled not picked up by Google Actions



We’re migrating from Jovo3 + Dialogflow (+ a deployment to Actions on Google) to Jovo4 and Google Actions.
We’re not being able to map the UNHANDLED method in any component to Google’s NO_MATCH_1 event.

In the debugger, the UNHANDLED method gets triggered, but in the Test console we’re getting an error “Did not find any handling for intent event ‘actions.intent.NO_MATCH_1’ on scene ‘Start scene’”.

Any tips or directions we should be looking in?

Thanks in advance!


Nevermind, got it to work.

The issue was that for system intents the “call your webhook” checkbox wasn’t filled out.

By adding this to my ./models/nl.json (or any other language of course), I got the checkboxes checked and pointing to my Jovo webhook.

  "invocation": ...,
  "name": ...,
  "version": ...,
  "intents": {
  "googleAssistant": {
    "custom": {
      "global": {
        "actions.intent.NO_MATCH_1": {
          "handler": {
            "webhookHandler": "Jovo"
        "actions.intent.NO_MATCH_2": {
          "handler": {
            "webhookHandler": "Jovo"
        "actions.intent.NO_MATCH_FINAL": {
          "handler": {
            "webhookHandler": "Jovo"

When I now build and deploy my webhook + Jovo config, these values are filled out correctly and everything works smoothly!


Great, thanks for the update. And welcome to the Jovo community :tada: