Which object or variable holds user utterance value ( the actual sentence a user is saying )


Want to store the user utterance in database. which Object OR Variable holds the data?


You can access values with this.$inputs.{name}.value.

Learn more here:


what about - the actual sentence a user is saying, how can we store this in database.


Alexa doesn’t provide that data.

For Google Assistant, you can use this.getRawText()


thank you for the quick help.


Hi, if alexa doesn’t provide that information, then how can we get that the utterances which a user is giving, alexa taking correctly ? Because in my case, I have created a skill, created intents and slot values and when I am giving utterances to invoke that particulat intent containing that particular slot value, it’s going to unhandled. What should I do now? Need help!


Why would you need the complete utterance the user entered? If you do then match every possible word with a slot and get the value of it (but don’t even know if Amazon/Google lets you do that).

However, I’d suggest to use slots on the word(s) in the utterance, you really need to know the exact value of. For example when your utterance is something like "Put {thing} to my shopping list"


You are right. Thanks