Google Analytics Plugin - filter events in custom reports



Hi Community,
we are using the Google Analytics Plugin with some custom stuff. One reason is that the events sent by the plugin are distorting the custom reports we use to analyse pageviews ( = intents). The reason is that pageviews and events are on the same level on gAnalytics (Hit Level). So if I have three intents with each containing slot values the Google Analytics Plugin will send three pageviews (for tracking intents) plus three events (containing the slot values). When i start to analyse this data in a custom report it looks like six intents were sent.
Therefore we are momently not using events at all. Does anybody has some suggestions to handle this?

Google Analytics Integration: Feedback thread
Google Analytics Plugin - It should send events all at once at the end of a request

Thanks @Andre, that’s interesting. Haven’t looked much into this yet, but will cross-post into our Slack community, maybe someone there can help :slight_smile:


Thanks @jan, I created a pull request to make events sent by the plugin configurable.


Every time that these methods are called:


The plugin calls the method .send() immediately. That is an async call. Because of that, some hits might get to google analytics and others not.So, my suggestion is, when the app is about to send the response back to the platform, the plugin should call the method .send() and the universal-analytics package will send all the events logged during the request. So, there’s no need to send it individually every time. Instead, we can send them all at once at the end of the request


Thanks @Andre, will take a look!

I also just moved the post by @omenocal above into. this thread, maybe this is helpful?


Thanks @jan @omenocal,
so you think there could be a problem because instead of sending one request to google Analytics containing both - the pageview and the intent - we are sending them after each other? I read in the googleAnalytics docs that they can handle this input and are assigning events to matching pageviews.
One more thought on this: With the above explanation we would get less hit level events in google analytics but my problem is that if I want to see all intents within a specific time range (in a custom report) I get all intents plus all events and can’t distinguish between them. So in my case I have more intents/ sessions etc.


I did some more checks:

  • events momently are leading to wrong session counts
    • pageview with Stop Intent will end the old session
    • event comes in afterwards and will be seen as new session
  • each incoming event sets the same metrics and dimensions like the according pageview

The first issue is solved by sending events and pageview togehter like @omenocal suggested. I don’t know if that is always the case because universal-analytics will still split both requests and send them after each other. But it worked in my testcase. Maybe it depends on the delay of intent and event.

Lets take an example for the seccond issue: lets say I want to track a metric (lets call it testmetric) on an intent which has a input slot. The jovo google analytics plugin will send both: a pageview for tracking the intent + an event which tracks the input slot. Both will set the testmetric and in my custom report it will look like it was triggered two times. I don’t have a better solution for this case as disabling all events.