How to convert Jovo's model to DialogFlow



I’m trying to follow the documentation on converting a voice model into another. There is a code sample for Alexa to Dialogflow here:

I’m facing _.get is not a function or its return value is not iterable. I think the reason is the content property here is required but I don’t get what it’s supposed to be.
If path is meant to be the path to the Alexa model from the platforms/alexaSkill/skill-package/interactionModels/custom/en-US.json file, then it would be very redundant to also expect that the content of that should be inline here.

$ node convert.js 
        for (intent of _.get(inputData, 'interactionModel.languageModel.intents')) {

TypeError: _.get is not a function or its return value is not iterable
    at Function.toJovoModel (/Users/me/ws/JovoPoC/node_modules/jovo-model-alexa/dist/src/JovoModelAlexa.js:22:26)


Here’s the relevant part from how it’s used in the CLI.

Hope, it helps.