Jovo build error



Good afternoon I have downloaded the latest jovo changes but now I get several errors, when I use the jovo build command

$ jovo build

jovo build: Create and update platform specific files in /platforms folder

Learn more:

[12:26:20] Initializing build process… [started]
[12:26:20] Collecting platform configuration from project.js.
Platforms: googleAction [started]
[12:26:20] Collecting platform configuration from project.js.
Platforms: googleAction [completed]
[12:26:20] Collecting Jovo language model files from ./models folder.
Locales: es-US [started]
[12:26:20] Collecting Jovo language model files from ./models folder.
Locales: es-US [completed]
[12:26:20] Validating model files. [started]
[12:26:20] es-US [started]
[12:26:20] es-US [failed]
[12:26:20] → Missing required property: invocation
[12:26:20] Validating model files. [failed]
[12:26:20] → Missing required property: invocation
[12:26:20] Initializing build process… [failed]
[12:26:20] → Missing required property: invocation
» Error: There was a problem:
» Error: Missing required property: invocation

and when i do java run
app.setAlexaHandler is not a function

TypeError: app.setAlexaHandler is not a function
at Object. (D:\Alexa\AlexaApp\src\app.js:909:5)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)
at Object.Module._extensions…js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)
at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)
at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)
at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)
at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:692:17)
at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18)
at Object. (D:\Alexa\AlexaApp\src\index.js:4:17)
at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)

This might be an issue with upgrading the Jovo packages. Try to run jovo update instead of npm install

Learn more:

But just before updating I could use them without any problem, please if someone could help me, I am very grateful


Could you delete your node_modules folder and package-lock.json file, do npm install and try again?


I already did but the error persists
User@DESKTOP-9V7CEDU MINGW64 /d/Alexa/AlexaRegistrar
$ jovo build

jovo build: Create and update platform specific files in /platforms folder

Learn more:

[09:40:59] Initializing build process… [started]
[09:40:59] Collecting platform configuration from project.js.
Platforms: alexaSkill, googleAction [started]
[09:40:59] Collecting platform configuration from project.js.
Platforms: alexaSkill, googleAction [completed]
[09:40:59] Collecting Jovo language model files from ./models folder.
Locales: es-US [started]
[09:40:59] Collecting Jovo language model files from ./models folder.
Locales: es-US [completed]
[09:40:59] Validating model files. [started]
[09:40:59] es-US [started]
[09:40:59] es-US [failed]
[09:40:59] → Missing required property: invocation
[09:40:59] Validating model files. [failed]
[09:40:59] → Missing required property: invocation
[09:40:59] Initializing build process… [failed]
[09:40:59] → Missing required property: invocation
» Error: There was a problem:
» Error: Missing required property: invocation

and when I use the command jovo run
User@DESKTOP-9V7CEDU MINGW64 /d/Alexa/AlexaRegistrar
$ jovo run
Local server listening on port 3000.
This is your webhook url:

but in the web page


I’m sorry, I find that I have an error in my model, so I delete the folder again, and now it’s working thank you