Jovo4 Alexa account linking



Hi, I’m trying to send ‘LinkAccount’ card from the handler.

    return jovo.$send({
        message: 'Please link your account.',
        platforms: {
          alexa: {
            card: {
                type: 'LinkAccount'
            nativeResponse: {
                card: {
                    type: 'LinkAccount'

But, I’m not seeing the card in the final response is not seen.

Jovo Debugger:

Alexa Test console log:

Did I miss something? Thanks


The contents of the nativeResponse property need to be added in exactly the same way as they show up in the Alexa response JSON. Learn more here:

In your example, you’re missing a response property (I know it’s a bit confusing, but Alexa has a response property as part of their response JSON structure):

  platforms: {
    alexa: {
      response: {
         // ...


Thanks @jan. That worked


Can you post the sample code of how it turned out?

    message: 'Please link your account.',
    platforms: {
      alexa: {
        nativeResponse: {
            response: {
                card: {
                    type: 'LinkAccount'

Hope this is helpful.