NavigateHomeIntent not found


Developed for Alexa, I added this in config.js

intentMap: {
    'AMAZON.StopIntent': 'END',
    'AMAZON.YesIntent': 'YesIntent',
    'AMAZON.NoIntent': 'NoIntent',
    'AMAZON.HelpIntent': 'HelpIntent',
    'AMAZON.CancelIntent': 'CancelIntent',
    'AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent': 'NavigateHomeIntent'

  intentsToSkipUnhandled: [

in model:

						"name": "AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent",
						"samples": [

in app.js:

NavigateHomeIntent () {
    console.log('entrou aqui1 >>>>>> ')
  'AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent' () {
    console.log('entrou aqui2 >>>>>> ')

But while executing the skill, if any of the NavigateHomeIntent invocation words are entered, debugging, I get:

"request": {
"type": "SessionEndedRequest",
"requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.30437ff8-ee66-4871-8e2f-36fa78fddb5b",
"timestamp": "2019-11-15T01:30:45Z",
"locale": "pt-BR",
"reason": "USER_INITIATED"

Do not enter any NavigateHomeIntent and do not display console.log. Can anyone help?


As long as you handle the AMAZON.StopIntent and the AMAZON.CancelIntent you don’t need to handle the AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent (see here)

PS: Navigating to the LAUNCH-Intent as you are doing it is not what the AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent is for! It’s completly wrong!

The AMAZON.NavigateHomeIntent is active on only screen devices where it exits the skill and returns customers to the home screen.