Something is strange about this.$data




in test unit, when i want test an intent, i must store this.$session.$data.key in my intent
and retrieve in unit test.

  async ON_REQUEST() {
    const todayFormat = getCurrentDateFormat();
    const response = await fetchUrlData(todayFormat);
    this.$data.eventoo =;
  async LAUNCH() {
    this.$session.$data.sapEvent = this.$data.eventoo
    let speech = "bienvenue sur SAP, voulez sortir ? " + this.$[0].title;
    let reprompt = 'nom d une sortie ou une categorie.';
    this.ask(speech, reprompt);
  YesIntent() {
    let speech = this.$[0].abstract; // work

// let speech = this.$session.$data; // not work (undefined)

file.test.js contain

  it('fetch 1st event title', async () => {
    const on_request = await testSuite.requestBuilder.launch();
    const response = await conversation.send(on_request);
    const receive = response.getSessionData()[0].title
    const expected = "Réouverture du Musée de la Libération de Paris";

but i can’t use this same key between intent, so I must store this.$data.key and can share the same key

So I just create $session for unit test … and can’t use this.$data.eventoo already exist
it overkill for me