Suggestion Chips Location Permission Question




Is it possible to add custom suggestion chips to a google location permission question? In particular, I’m using the following code, which is not working

part of app.ts

if (this.isGoogleAction()) {
    this.$googleAction!.showSuggestionChips(['Yes', 'No']);
    this.$googleAction!.askForPreciseLocation(this.t('WELCOME') + '' + this.t('PERMISSION_PROMPT'));

But the result is the defined suggestion chips are not shown, only the default cancel chip is shown.

Can anyone help me?

Cheers, Michael


I think it isn’t possible to add additional elements like suggestion chips or cards because Google Assistant is “taking over” that part of the conversation and is only routing back to your app once the permission is accepted (or denied). (I haven’t tried this myself though)


Yes, I think Jan is right. It’s not a typical ask(). (I haven’t tried this myself as well) :smile:


Ok, I guess I have to accept the default chips then.

Thanks for your answers :smiley: