[Tutorial] How the Unhandled Intent Works


The Unhandled intent is used to catch incoming intens, which can't be found inside your handler. If you've created a Dialogflow agent before you might have seen the Default Fallback Intent which is automatically mapped to the Unhandled intent as well.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.jovo.tech/tutorials/unhandled-intent


One thing that has come up a lot: Don’t confuse “unhandled” (= the intent can’t be found in the handler) with “unrecognized” (= some random input that couldn’t be understood by Alexa).

The Unhandled intent only solves the first one, for unrecognized input, there is the “AMAZON.FallbackIntent” (which is, if you’re not adding it to the handler, mapped to “Unhandled”), which unfortunately doesn’t provide raw text of the user’s input.