How to hit api in output template card content and get response? [Questions] (2)
Jovo 4 deploying to Azure failing [Questions] (5)
Jovo Logger in a single line [Questions] (5)
Not imported NlpjsNLU in app.ts file [Jovo Docs & Tutorials] (2)
[Tutorial] Using the Alexa Presentation Language (APL) with Jovo [Jovo Docs & Tutorials] (15)
Getting issue JOVO ERROR MatchingRouteNotFoundError [Questions] (6)
FIRST PUBLIC RELEASE, New Sounds On Demand [Showcase] (2)
Continuing development after Amazon release [Feedback & Feature Requests] (3)
The new debugger doesn't work with my v3 project [Questions] (8)
Pull shared code out of Jovo3 handler functions into subroutines? [Questions] (1)
GitHub - kubycsolutions/new-sounds-on-demand, alpha 0.1.0 released [Showcase] (8)
TRANSACTION_DECISION not triggered. Transactions API [Questions] (3)
Jovo3 deploy after a long time away [Questions] (4)
CLI: GoogleConversationalAction model localisation build does not work [Questions] (8)
FWIW re slow audio offset on Alexa: Opened a question on their forums [Uncategorized] (1)
Switching from local to lambda [Jovo Docs & Tutorials] (19)
Just FWIW, lazy man's multiple lambdas from single project [Feedback & Feature Requests] (1)
Jovo v4 Azure Functions [Questions] (5)
Jovo4 Alexa account linking [Questions] (5)
Alexa verification [Questions] (4)
Get SkillId/Project ID - Jovo 4 [Questions] (6)
Jovo Start with v3 [Questions] (3)
Jovo build:platform googleAssistant not working [Questions] (2)
Deciding on v3 vs v4 for real business case [News & Discussions] (3)
What would be the right way to use delegate and resolve? [Questions] (7)
Google Conversational Actions: issue with Jovo4 + a Selection Response [Questions] (4)
Jovo platform web - input ( 2 ) [Questions] (21)
Just brainstorming, re debugger [Feedback & Feature Requests] (2)
Jovo v4 Google List Reponse [Questions] (1)
Briefing tool to voice flow [News & Discussions] (4)